About the only indigenous fruit-bearing plants are the Chilean strawberry (Fragaria chilensis) and the ohelo berry (Vaccinium reticulatum), both of which grow at high elevations on Hawaii and Maui.
A low blueberry (Vaccinium myrtilis) forms a thick underbrush in much of the forest.
In many cases the slimy masses of spermatia (Uredineae), conidia (Claviceps), basidiospores (Phallus, Coprinus), &c., emit more or less powerful odours, which attract flies or other insects, and it has been shown that bees carry the flagrant oidia of Sclerotinia to the stigma of Vaccinium and infect it, and that flies carry away the foetid spores of Phallus, just as pollen is dispersed by such insects.
H20 Vaccinium myrtillus Racomitrium lanuginosum heath is also extensive, taking the habitat type up to its highest altitude in the UK.
The main NVC type present is H19 Vaccinium myrtillus Cladonia arbuscula heath, a very local type south of Scotland.