This is unquestionably good.
Erdmann conjectures Thomas Aquinas, which is extremely improbable, as Thomas was unquestionably not the first of his order to study philosophy.
Of the two brothers, Friedrich was unquestionably the more original genius.
On only one point, the position assigned in the Wissenschaftslehre to the absolute ego, is there any obscurity; but the relative passages are far from decisive, and from the early work, Neue Darstellung der Wissenchaftslehre, unquestionably to be ins uded in the Jena period, one can see that from the outset the doctrine of the absolute ego was held in a form differing only in statement from the later theory.
It was estimated that there were 30,000,000 head of cattle in the republic in 1904, but the estimate was unquestionably too large.