Planarian Definition
Any of a class (Turbellaria) of small, soft-bodied, free-living flatworms moving by means of cilia.
Webster's New World
Any of various small, chiefly freshwater flatworms of the order Tricladida, having a soft, broad, ciliated body, a three-branched digestive cavity, and the ability to regenerate body parts.
American Heritage Medicine
- planaria
Other Word Forms of Planarian
planariansOrigin of Planarian
From New Latin Plānāria genus name from feminine of Late Latin plānārius on level ground from plānus flat pelə-2 in Indo-European roots
From American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition
From New Latin planaria (from Late Latin planarius (“lying on a plane"), from Latin planum) +"Ž -an
From Wiktionary
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