Os Definition
os, ora, osar, ossa
Webster's New World
A bone.
Webster's New World
A mouth; opening.
Webster's New World
- atomic number 76
- osmium
- operating system
- oculus sinister
- bone
Old Saxon.
Webster's New World
Old Style.
Webster's New World
Old series.
Webster's New World
Operating system.
Webster's New World
Ordinary Seaman.
Webster's New World
Webster's New World
Origin of Os
From neuter Latin word os with the genitive oris (meaning "mouth").
From Wiktionary
From neuter Latin word os (genitive ossis) meaning "bone".
From Wiktionary
Latin ōs mouth ōs- in Indo-European roots
From American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition
Latin bone ost- in Indo-European roots
From American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition
From Latin os (“bone”)
From Wiktionary
From Wiktionary