The memory for that computer cost me $40 per MB, just under $200.
A-D are stages common to both; from D arises the hydrotheca (E) or the gonotheca (F); th, theca; st, stomach; 1, tentacles; m, mouth; mb, medusa-buds.
Expressing this condition we obtain mb = 1/ nc = o as the relation which must hold between the co-efficients of the above equation and the sides of the triangle of reference for the equation to represent a parabola.
If all the masses lie in a plane (1=0) we have, in the notation of (25), c2 = o, and therefore A = Mb, B = Ma, C = M (a +b), so that the equation of the momental ellipsoid takes the form b2x2+a y2+(a2+b2) z1=s4.
It may be shown that if the distance of the carried point from the centre of the rolling circle be mb, the equation to the epitrochoid is x = (a+b) cos 0 - mb cos (a+b/b)0, y = (a +b) sin 9 - mb sin (a +b/b)0.