If you'd rather only enable Javascript capabilities for specific websites, and still block it when you're visiting the rest of the Internet, you'll need to follow the procedure above up to the "Custom Level" page.
The headings are automatically opened when the page is loading and are then closed using JavaScript.
This is a relatively new development, and was probably spurred by the fact that people who did have some expertise in the realm of CSS, HTML, and javascript were able to do astonishing things with their Xanga design codes.
The confusion is understandable; people often hear about how they may want to "turn off JavaScript" on their browsers, and this can lead them to imagine that it is an application or an add-on to their systems.
Set up the images to pre-load with javascript statements in the HEAD portion of the document (you can have the images load dynamically, but that takes longer, and should only be used for very large images).