Of the Hyksos age there are the scanty remains of a great fortified camp at Tell el-Yehudia.
It comprises some of the most notable figures in Egyptian history - Ahmosi (Amasis) I., who freed Egypt from the Hyksos, Tethmosis I.
The horse seems to have been introduced with the chariot during the Hyksos period.
Meyer in giving, for reasons which cannot be here explained, for the beginning of the 1st dynasty c. B c. 3400, for the 4th dynasty c. B.C. 2900-2750, and for the rule of the Hyksos c. B.C. 1680-1580; and in his Researches in Sinai, 1906, p. 175, Petrie proposes for Menes B.C. 5510, and for the 4th dynasty B.C. 473 1 -4454.
One of these bore the name of Apopi engraved lightly on the shoulder; this was evidently a usurper's mark, but from the whole circumstances it was concluded that these, and others of the same type of features found elsewhere, must have belonged to the Hyksos.