He was educated at Reims and Paris, and spent several years in England and Ger many.
Introduction of ' Sandringham ' Class ' B17 ' 4-6-0 locomotives to supplement existing ex GER motive power.
Ilu ger, without having seen an example, renamed the genus Dicholophus - a term which has since been frequently applied to it - placing it in the curious congeries of forms having little affinity which he called Alectorides.
The word is of obscure origin; a word with similar meaning, Kiel, is found in German, and French has quille, ninepin, apparently connected with Ger.
The English versions often render the word by stranger; " but though distinguished from the home-born 'ezrah (=one rising from the soil), the person denominated ger became the equal of the native Israelite, and, when the meaning of ger passed from a mainly civil to a religious connotation, enjoyed many rights.