If you live in an area that has been declared a natural disaster, you may qualify for a grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in order to repair your home from damages resulting from the natural disaster.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency, or FEMA, is a relief organization of about 2,600 full-time employees for areas impacted by disasters.
Functional male and female organs have been shown to exist in Pyronema and Boudiera; in Lachnea stercorea both ascogonia and antheridia a are present, but the antheridium a1 is non-functional, the ascogonial _s- - (fema l e) nuclei fusing in pairs; /'y' this is also the case' in Humaria /;' h; granulate and Ascobolus furfurs -./ '"aceus, where the antheridium is _ / /, - entirely absent.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) estimates that ocean coastlines are eroding one to four feet each year.
As evidence, FEMA cites the Cape Hatteras lighthouse in North Carolina.