The Paris-Lyon-MditerranCe, connecting Paris with Marseilles via Moret, Laroche, Dijon, Macon and Lyons, and with NImes via Moret, Nevers and Clermont-Ferrand.
At Dijon his compositions attracted the attention of an inspector, who had him placed (1814) in the normal school, Paris.
In April disturbances arose at Dijon, and early in May took place those extraordinary bread-riots known as the" guerre des farines,"which may be looked upon as a first sample of the Revolution, so carefully were they organized.
It should be noted that this name occurs again in the middle ages in Burgundy, not far from Dijon; in all probability a detachment of this people had settled in that spot in the 5th or 6th century.
As a fortress Besancon forms one of a group which includes Dijon, Langres and Belfort; these are designed to secure Franche Comte and to cover a field army operating on the left flank of a German army of invasion.