It never grows in wet boggy places, never in woods, or on or about stumps of trees.
Cranberry plants grow in wet boggy areas.
The soil is light and sandy, but much of the land reclaimed in the boggy districts is very fertile.
P. vacciniifolium, 6 to to in., is a pretty prostrate subshrubby species, with handsome rose-pink flowers, suitable for rockwork, and prefers boggy soil; P. affine (Brunonis), I ft., deep rose, is a showy border plant, flowering in the late summer; P. cuspidatum, 8 to To ft., is a grand object for planting where a screen is desired, as it suckers abundantly, and its tall spotted stems and handsome cordate leaves have quite a noble appearance.
You will also get a very boggy patch in the lawn, where the water from the base slops over the side.