The industrial and commercial progress of Cartagena was much hindered, during the first half of the 19th century, by the prevalence of epidemic diseases, the abandonment of the arsenal, and rivalry with the neighbouring port of Alicante.
The opening of the railway enabled it to compete successfully with Alicante, and revived the mining and metallurgical industries, while considerable sums were expended on bringing the coast and land defences up to date, and adding new quays, docks and other harbour works.
Elche is the meetingplace of three railways, from Novelda, Alicante and Murcia.
At last, through Fouche and Talleyrand, he got the appointment of consul at Alicante, and remained there until he lost the sight of one eye from yellow fever.
From 1886 he was forced by ill-health to spend much of his time abroad, and he died of smallpox Alicante on the 16th of March 1892, while on a tour in Spain.